Does anyone remember how this GMC CCKW got in this pool ?
Robert McKay 1950/51 Says “The truck ended up in the pool after a trip to get supplies by Huey Long (rank varied on what day it was, tended to go up and down a lot”. He said “I missed the curve” (the road was practically straight). It was pulled out fairly quickly, but since it was ‘C’ rations it really didn’t matter.
Jim Rowsam in the drivers seat, Sgt. Wm “Sonny” Hancock behind the windshield. Can you I D the rest ? Robert McKay sends the following infomation, Soldier on left looks like Sgt.”Catfish” Statin,
soldier behind driver facing camera may be Sgt.Edward Bodetti.
Jim Rowsam, 3rd G.I. from left. Who are the other two ? Who are the Japanese in the photo ?