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114 entries.
Dennis Krajniak wrote on 10/17/2018 at 1:45 AM:
6/84 - 10/85 3rd plt.
Dominic Petrore wrote on 10/03/2018 at 4:50 AM:
S3 Operations 1969 1970
Ted Langan wrote on 08/24/2018 at 9:58 AM:
HHC - March, 1967 through April, 1968. I was the Company clerk (probably the best job in the Army). Best wishes to all
Rich Lindsay wrote on 08/16/2018 at 8:53 PM:
Served with the 13th engineers from April 1985 -September 1988, some great leadership there. People I miss the most include SSG Dennis Jones, SFC Henry Hardesty, Red Dennis Hartshorn, Michael Tillman, Herb Taylor, Captain Billy mac
Jason Lucier wrote on 08/11/2018 at 11:44 AM:
Two tours with the 13th. Served in B Co, (1st Sqd Ldr, 2nd Plt) and HHC, (Bn Tng NCO), from November of 1983 - Late 1987. Served in A Co (PSG, 1st Plt) from Oct 1990 - Sept 1993, two time graduate of Sapper Leader's Course, (Summer of 85, Winter of 90). Proud to have served in the first Battalion of Sappers formed when the 7th Inf went light. Great unit, good soldiers, and one hell of a lot of fun.
Steve Hopkins wrote on 06/16/2018 at 8:59 PM:
My father was with this unit in the Phillipines in WW 2. Never talked to me about it but overheard stories when he would drink with fellow vets. Doubt anyone still alive that was there. Would like to hear from anyone who knew any one with this unit.
David L Adams wrote on 04/03/2018 at 8:57 PM:
Served 1982-1983 b company 13th engineers
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ROBERT M LUTTRULL wrote on 03/29/2018 at 9:06 AM:
Served in Camp Kaiser, Republic of Korea, with Company A 13th engr from 1967-1968
Peter Pontinen wrote on 02/05/2018 at 8:58 PM:
Served from May 84-Jul 85, HHC in the S-1. Went through Light Fighter/Sapper training in 85. My boss was SFC Daniel A.C. Salviejo. PAC Supr and SSG Lee V. Wilson, PSNCO. I was a 12B but was pulled to the S-1. We were supposed to be able to wear "Light" tab, but got shut down by DOD. Oh well, glad to sign in with some info from the old days...haha
Gabe flores wrote on 01/29/2018 at 2:22 PM:
Served in Fort Ord with the 13th 1982-1985
Web Master wrote on 01/25/2018 at 1:22 AM:
Herb I was with E Co form 4-1970 to about 6 or 7 - 1970, That was when the 7th Inf left Korea. Hope to see you in Branson, Mo this September at the 13th Engineer reunion, Gene Reed
Herb Manning wrote on 01/22/2018 at 7:12 PM:
I served in E company 13th Engineer Battalion Camp Casey, (Dongducheon) from Sept. 1969 till Oct. 1970. We were still in the old post Korean War Quonset Huts and heated our hooches with Diesel heaters. We'd get them read hot and cook our ramen on them. Those who were there with me remember that we had the best damn time of anyone anywhere! I still have my yearbook. And miss the great times. Spec4 Edson, how many times did you re-enlist just to stay there? And Mac (McCormick), you and I had some hellish fights wrestling matches for best friends. Good God it was great! Sgt. Manning
michael jones wrote on 01/04/2018 at 7:58 PM:
A Co 13th combat eng ft ord calif 1974 - 1975