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114 entries.
Charles Gilbert wrote on 08/18/2024 at 5:32 PM:
A Co Fort Ord CA, 1987-1989 CO driver.
Christopher King wrote on 07/31/2024 at 5:54 PM:
13th Engineers HHC. ‘79-‘82. 82B Land Surveyor. Was involved in the construction of the combat assault airstrip in Fort Hunter Liggett. Still there and being used today! Just retired after 45 years in the civil engineering business! Thanks for the 13th for getting me started on a great career!!
Marco Geandomenico wrote on 07/23/2024 at 4:09 PM:
Hi , my grandfather Edwin Geandomenico was 7th division 13 combat engineers during ww2 foaught in the Aleutian Islands and Korea was wondering if there was any information about him or the men he served with .
Donald R Hancock wrote on 04/14/2024 at 12:02 AM:
Arizona Vet 1968, Camp Casey, Korea 7th Inf. 13th Combat Engr (ADM) Battalion Soldier of Month Multiple times Division Soldier of Month Nov. 1968
Ramon (Ray Garcia) wrote on 02/20/2024 at 7:55 PM:
Ramon Garcia A co. 13th engineer 1980-1981
THOMAS SCOTT wrote on 11/04/2023 at 11:55 PM:
Thomas Scott wrote on 11/04/2023 at 11:48 PM: 13th Engr Bn Ft.ord,ca 2plt 2nd sqd. 1985-1988
Donald Hancock wrote on 08/16/2023 at 12:11 PM:
I served 13th HHC ADM (Special Weapons) 1968-69. 05B Short wave communications, Atomic Demolitions; Multiple times Battalion Soldier of Month. Was Division Soldier of Month Nov 68. Was first to receive the new rocker arm for PFC in uniform change. Exempted from KP for all awards received. Taught Conversational English it KATUSA program. Enjoyed my time with 13th. Became friends with Royal Family in Seoul. Attended many of Royal Family events including family wedding, concerts and outings.
Alvin Crawford wrote on 05/22/2023 at 5:18 AM:
Cco 13th ENGR BN Fort Ca.
Douglas Duden wrote on 05/15/2023 at 6:44 PM:
To: Robert N. Choporis I remember you ! I got assigned to Bn S-2 just days after arriving in Camp Casey in June of 1965. I made E4 before going home in June of 1966. Lots of Cheeseburger, Fries and PBR. I was in Battalion S-2 from June of 65 to June of 66 along with Lt. Maurice T Lough, and Lt. Charles Matrosic and Msgt Jimmy Bearden. Msgt, Robert Kennedy took over from Bearden when he rotated home. 1st LT Lough went to 7th Div. Hq. as Generals Aide de Camp. One of my jobs was to type up all of the paperwork to be submitted for security clearances for anyone in the Battalion who would be handling Classified Documents. What ever happened to Lt. Hornbarger ? Lt. Fred Shepard or Lt Thomas T. (Tadoshi) Murai ? Major Roger Blunt ? Wasn't your nickname 'Chopper" ..All of you LT's played a lot of Volleyball back then. I think Lt. Hornbarger played Tennis too. Lt. Fred Shepard was a PFC in Ft. Sill before going to OCS. PFC Reesberg from S-3 was in his unit back in Ft. Sill. and remembered him from the old days. Shepard still had his PFC Uniforms with him in Camp Casey. There are Some Funny Stories There ! What time should we send the jeep to get you SIR ? You had to be there to appreciate the humor in all of that !! GOOd Times, lots of laughs too ! I ran into our 13th Engr. Battalion Sgt/Major Lacey Hendricks back in Ft. Leonard in early 1966. He was a Great Guy ! The HHC Company Clerk Sp4 Noe eventually showed in in FLW too. Old "Pineapple John "SSgt John Menor from our Bn. Recon section died in Ft. Bragg a couple years ago. He was like 83-84 years old ! Lt Col. Harvey C. Jones joined the 13th Engr Bn Association maybe 4 ?? years ago from South Carolina and died sometime in the last 2 years. None of us would recognize Camp Casey today. Our Battalion HQ was knocked down years ago and it is now a parking lot ! The motor pool is still there ! I finished out my tour of duty in 1967 with the 208th MP Company watching Prisoners in the FLW Stockade. Thats all gone now. Today its a 4 story brick apartment building. It's nice to finally see and hear from someone from the 13th Engr Bn I remember from so many years ago Doug Duden, Sebring, Florida
Richard coffey wrote on 03/22/2023 at 2:24 AM:
I was in B company 13th engineers stationed next to the 79th. Artillery in tongue deshawn And was exposed to Agent Orange. I received a 100% disability this was 1969 to 1970
Robert N. Choporis wrote on 02/20/2023 at 12:42 PM:
Served in battalion April ‘65 to May ‘66. Platoon leader in C company for 2 months, then ADM platoon Cmdr. For 9 months and HHC company Cmdr for 2 months before rotation back to USA. Battalion Commander was Harvey C. Jones. Would like to touch base with anyone I served with During that time. Cordially yours, Bob
Glenn W Stevens wrote on 01/08/2023 at 6:25 PM:
Served in B Co as a heavy equipment operator in 62-63. This was my first duty station after AIT. During that time B Co moved north. I do not remember the name of the camp. I did work on the road from which you could see the Chosin Reservoir in North Korea.
Sp4 David weaver wrote on 12/22/2022 at 8:09 PM:
Miss everyone always
Robert Emanuel wrote on 12/11/2022 at 8:32 PM:
B company 13th engineer 66 67 help building the towers across the 38 parallel from fort beaver and hhc camp Casey 66 67
Robert Emanuel wrote on 12/11/2022 at 8:20 PM:
13th engineer at a company 2nd division dmz 1966 67 camp Casey and Fort beaver
Robert Harry Julian wrote on 11/14/2022 at 1:13 AM:
Well, I felt it was time to make it "official" and sign the guest book. Actually, I am a member, but I wanted to send greetings to all - especially with the two holiday seasons coming up. Wishing all of you warm and happy Thanksgiving and a very Merry Christmas! Bob Julian B Co., 1959-1960
Kevin Prough wrote on 10/23/2022 at 12:56 PM:
B- 1985-88
Fred A Ickert wrote on 01/06/2022 at 11:03 AM:
13th engineers 1965 & 66
David Koontz wrote on 12/13/2021 at 1:14 AM:
Grandson of T/Sgt. Olin Maxwell Koontz, 1 1 3th Engineers, WWll. Thanks to everyone for there service.